EXHIBITORS ARE ENTITLED TO THE FOLLOWING:– Two conference registrations/passes (Networking event tickets sold separately: Farmed Seafood Soiree featuring Masterless Men and O’Reillys NL Kitchen Party – 8’ x 10’ space with a skirted table and 2 chairs and power OR 6’ x 10’ with a skirted table and 2 chairs and power (pre-function/ higher traffic area) – Complimentary Opening Reception on Tuesday, October 8th – Sheraton Hotel. – Business profile in the Cold Harvester magazine/conference program if confirmed before September 1st. No guarantees after this date. – Scheduled visits/networking breaks in conjunction with the tradeshow. – Acknowledgement on NAIA website and on social media.
TRADE SHOW EXHIBITS The Opening reception and nutrition breaks will take place in the Trade Show area in Salon BCD and the foyer areas. Please show your support by visiting these areas. Trade Show Set Up: Tuesday, October 8th from noon – 5:00 p.m. Exhibit spaces must be completely cleared by 5:00 pm on Thursday, October 10 |
Exhibitor fees: NAIA Members: $1,300 + HST Non-Members: $1,500 + HST
For more information email: Roberta@naia.ca or call Roberta at 709-538-3454.